
Thursday, January 17, 2008

How I saved $500 doing DTP?

The only way to implement Simpleology 101 in your life is to do the course as advised and do your Daily Target Praxis (DTP). While doing DTP you go through a process called Power Praxis and System Praxis. The objective of doing Power Praxis is to increase your POWER GRADUALLY. Well how do you get more Power? The three sources of POWER are Time, Money and Energy. When you do Power Praxis, you are consciously asking the following questions and RECORDING in a Note book or Simpleology software:

1. How did I save my time and accomplished the task quickly? How did I waste my time and how can I avoid?
2. How did I save my money ? Did I spend unnecessarily and how much?
3. How did I save my energy? When does my energy get drained?

Next day you do more of what makes you save YOUR time, money and energy. Doing DTP consistently makes you EMPOWERED.When you are empowered, you feel good. When you feel good, you LOVE to take action towards achieving YOUR GOAL.

Why am I explaining all this? Here is the true story.

My washing machine was giving me trouble and it could cost me $400 to $500 if I were to replace the machine. I could afford this money, but doing DTP, gave me the POWER, not to react and replace the machine. However it empowered me to ask the following questions

How I can save money?
Is replacement necessary at all? Is it a major or minor problem?
Can I find someone to identify the problem at affordable price?
I feel my energy drain when I think of my pending laundry. How can I avoid?

In the process, I contacted my Utility company, got educated about their Worry Free contract and enrolled in their program. When the machine caused me trouble I called my Utility company to check the problem. In fact it was a very minor problem and he just repaired it within minutes and I saved $500.

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