
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Five Sure ways to increase your Personal Energy

1. Make it a point to listen to your body. What is IT that makes you feel good or feel bad? It could be a certain act like helping people, writing an article or solving a problem.

When I was in the Corporate environment, I spent very little time to listen to my body and assess what makes me feel good. After I started my business, I made a commitment to increase my eustress and decrease my distress. One good resource that helped me increase my Eustress is Simpleology 103, which I highly recommend. Some of the activities that make me feel good and buzz with energy are-Doing Yoga, Planning my day on paper, working out in treadmill at least thrice a week.

2. Keep a daily log of recording the type of activity, food, event that makes you feel GREAT and ENERGETIC.
In Simpleology 103 you are required to do Energy Praxis that helps you identify your energy drainers and boosters. It is a simple 3 minutes exercise that serves as your DAILY log and helps you stop making unhealthy choices and start making healthy choices.

3. Remember that your THOUGHTS play an important role in making you feel good. Replace negative with positive thoughts.
This is easier said than done. One resource that I found very powerful and easy to implement is Emotional Freedom Technique. Gary Craig has done an excellent job of making it easy for anyone to learn his tapping techniques. You can get your manual at no cost at

4. When you develop mental stress find ways to ALTER, AVOID, ACCEPT or ADAPT.
I learned this technique from Mark Joyner's Simpleology-103. He provides a 30 day Habit builder exercise that helps you make conscious choices in coping with mental stress.

5. Research and read books on personal energy.
It is sad but true that we spend more time and energy learning and knowing about what is AROUND us than learning about OUR own body. With changes in lifestyle, our energy patterns also undergo a change. It is best in our OWN interest that we learn at least 6-7 ways to increase our personal energy, so that we can perform well in good and bad times.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How to Trick Yourself Into Saving Money By: Bean Jones

A week ago, I started reading Marisha Pessl's novel, Special Topics in Calamity Physics, which I had borrowed from my workmate, Meg. I was really getting into the novel when a crisp $10 bill floated out from between the book's pages.

Out-of-the-Box Savings
Bemused, I tucked it back in the first page and finished reading the novel. Later when I returned the book, I told Meg what I'd found.

She shrugged and admitted that she used whatever came handy as a bookmark. A photo, or her shopping list... Sometimes it would be whatever bill she had on her at the time.

Knowing that she was a proud bookworm, I became curious about just how much money we would actually find hiding in her bookshelf. I was amazed to learn that her "book deposits" added up to about $800 last year.

"It's not hard to save up when you think you're not doing it," Meg told me. "Some of my friends think I'm nuts to stash bills into my books. But, hey, I had an extra $800 last year. That's not bad at all."

Hidden Rewards
Meg's financial philosophy--if you can call it that--is echoed by Walter Updegrave, author of How to Retire Rich in a Totally Changed World: Why You're Not in Kansas Anymore. As such, he lists the ways through which we can "fool" ourselves into saving money:

1. Hide the Money. Money you don't see is likely money you won't spend. Updegrave suggests signing up for an automatic investment plan. This service is actually offered by most mutual fund companies. Once set-up, money will be automatically transferred from your checking account to your chosen mutual fund.

2. Stash unexpected windfalls. Instead of spending your refunds or rebates, deposit them into your savings account as soon as you receive them. You might be surprised how much you will end up saving this way.

3. Keep paying off a debt--even after you've completed payments. Once you're done paying off your debts, keep writing checks you can deposit to your investment or savings account. Since you're so accustomed to paying this amount off anyway, this "extra" money can go a long way towards helping you achieve your financial goals.

Small Start, Big Rewards
Updegrave's (and Meg's) advice gives me some hope. You see, I'm not too strong in the savings department. I really need to figure out what kind of saving strategy will work for me. Fooling myself into saving my cash may be the answer to my dilemma.

For starters, I'm now off to empty out my coin jar. Since I don't spend the spare change, I'm hoping that there's at least a $20 in there. Hopefully, this would be start of a habit that would give me the best reward of all: financial management smarts. Because I sure need it. (Or maybe I really just ought to re-read Simpleology 102's the First Law of Money: The Law of Input and Output.)

Friday, October 3, 2008


Is this the most powerful 10 minutes in marketing history?
Haha - it may just be!
Note: they ask you to register for the upcoming live
web event (you know - the one EVERYONE is talking about)
to watch Part II. It's definitely worth it.
Kick up your heels for a few minutes knowing that the final
10 minutes will change the way you view your business

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Simpleology Great Teachers Series: Ted Nicholas and Joe Sugarman Teach Direct Response Copywriting"

Mark Joyner, Joe Sugarman, and Ted Nicholas the great copywriters want to offer something of GREAT Value.

They are bribing YOU just for attending an upcoming a live Internet event that teaches you about their new innovative tool for teaching copywriting ...
Get it here

Listen, whether you are interested in this product or not (you should be but more about that later) you should definitely go grab what they are offering there while it's available.

All "launch fun" aside, these "bribes" are some seriously valuable stuff for your business.

To get them, you have to sign up for the live event.

(No, you don't have to go anywhere - you can see it all right from your browser.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

$500 Book? (Not if you know this ...)

Mark Joyner's book "Mind Control Marketing" is out of print.

Used copies of it are being sold on the Amazon marketplace
for $500 a pop!

Mark released it as an ebook a few months ago and today it's
still being sold for $500.


Anyway, to mix things up (as Mark likes to do) he has put
two chapters of the book up online that you can download
right now:

When you see the cartoons in the book - and the stunning
simplicity of the ideas - it's easy to see why this book
has created such a stir ...

Robert Anton Wilson called it "the best book of the new

Joe Vitale called it "... a masterpiece."

I gotta admit - this book is one of the few I reach to over
and over again.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to turnaround your business from cash bleeding to comfortably reorganize for growth?

Mark Joyner in his Simpleology course “7 Day Business Turnaround” has provided simple and clear ways by way of short lessons that get right to the heart of what’s important right now. In these times of recession, the business owners must get a hold of this course for their BUSINESS to turnaround from cash bleeding to comfortably reorganize for growth. Here are a few topics covered in this course:

How to Stop the Time Bleeding?

How to Stop the Cash Bleeding of Your Business?

How to Orchestrate a Cash Injection to Give Yourself “Breathing Room”?

How to Refocus on Long Term Business Growth Planning?

How to Get clarity on where you are and where you need to go.?

I love this course, because, I can always access his audios, transcripts any time I want and focus on continuous growth and improvement in my business. The best part is he is very generous in offering BONUSES related to the course.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How to combat distress with 4 As

I have completed doing my Simpleology courses quite sometime back and I do DTP at least 3-4 days a week. I was feeling like a non-achiever. This was affecting the growth of my business. Mark Joyner recommends doing the lessons over and over again so that you automatically get into the habit of improving your personal energy. I chose to do lesson 20 -Mental Poison. in Simpleology 103 that really made me feel so good and moved me to take consistent action. I would like to share here what impacted me the most

The Mayo Clinic advises their patients to combat Distress with ―the 4 A‘s.‖
Avoid – Outright avoid the thing that is causing you Distress.
Alter – Alter the cause. That is, if a person is doing something that is causing you Distress, you can ask them to stop doing it. If it‘s the racket your air conditioning unit is making, get it fixed!
Accept– Just accept that the stressor is there and choose not to allow it to have any power over you.
Adapt – Adapt yourself to the situation. For example, if your work environment is noisy, put on some headphones with some beautiful music that helps you concentrate.

Hence I made a commitment today consciously to combat distress with one of these 4As in my business

The best part is these lessons are presented in audiovisual. So whether you are predominantly Visual or auditory or kinesthetic, you will benefit from his course. I highly recommend his course.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

How Simpleology 102 helps me in times of recession?

Mark in his Simpleology 102 lessons comments that "The more financially stable you are, the more money you are likely to make". One of the tools is Money power praxis. While doing the money power praxis, you make conscious effort to record the instances when you spent money unnecessarily and how much. Then you make a commitment and take ONE tiny action to stop spending that way. In the same manner you also record the instances when you invested profitably and saved money. You acknowledge yourself for this and gradually you start focusing your attention doing more of investing/saving money. I found the method to be easy and effortless in increasing my revenue and running my business without panic in times of recession.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Does Piracy Boost Sales?

This one has really "cooked my noodle."

Mark Joyner is running a rather controversial experiment that
has already sent the marketing experts into a tizzy.

You've probably heard of his book "The Irresistible Offer" - it's
what some call "one of the top 5 marketing books ever written"
and has been one of the best-selling marketing books of the last
3 years week after week.

Mark thinks that by giving it away in ebook form he is actually
going to boost sales of the book:

Click here

Is he right?

Only time will tell, but he makes some really good arguments -
even if they seem to fly in the face of what many people have
been saying over the last few years about the relationship
between digital downloads and print media.

I'll be watching this one closely, and so should you.

Meanwhile, you should also definitely grab the download.

Dr. Joe Vitale said that the book is "the first breakthrough in
over 50 years" and it seems the entire pantheon of marketing
gods are in agreement.

It's a deceptively simple read, but well, that's what Mark is
famous for :-)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How to Lose Fat in Your Sleep

Youfa Wang, M.D. PhD from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has found a clear connection between lack of sleep and child obesity (Journal of the Obesity Society February 2008).

In her study group, each additional hour of sleep a child received would decrease their risk of obesity by 9%.

They recognize that the following areas still need further research: how quality of sleep factors in, if this connection carries on through adulthood, exactly how lack of sleep causes obesity ...

... however, since the connection between healthy sleep and general health is so strongly established (mental acuity, immune strength, stress and exercise recovery), there's no reason why you shouldn't take this as a call to begin improving your sleep patterns immediately.

"8 hours" is the generally accepted recommendation for healthy adults, but the exact amount you personally need for peak performance may not be so simple. For further study: How Much Sleep Do I Need? (Web MD) and How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? (National Sleep Foundation)
Suggested Resources: Simpleology 103: The Simple Science of Energy

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wow, Phase II has been creating quite a stir!

Mark Joyner is holding a live "Prep School" for would-be
best-selling authors on the 26th.

Seats are limited, so please lock in yours now:

Click here

Note, the above class is intended for folks who will be joining
him during the Simpleology Best-Seller Blueprint training calls,
so please only register if you intend to do that as well.

Finally, if you haven't read The Rise of the Author yet, stop
everything and do so:

Click here

Experts from around the net are giving that advice and I can
understand why after reading it. It's *mission critical*.
Lalitha Brahma

Phase II for the launch of the Simpleology Best-Seller Blueprint

If you haven't read this yet, please do so immediately.

It's *that* important:

Click here

The title is easily misunderstood - the importance of this
document reaches far beyond authorship (although your
concepts about this will be permanently altered).

I just started reading it myself, but the information I've
already learned is so industry-changing that I felt I
couldn't wait another moment before alerting you.

OK, I'm back to reading it. I don't think I'll sleep tonight.

This changes *everything* ...
Lalitha Brahma
Are you serious about protecting and growing business?
Yes! Watch a short movie
and send me your question. I will be glad to help you.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Have you ever wondered why you put off doing a task?

When I ask business owners what makes them put off doing some tasks that is vital to the growth of business, I get one of these answers:-

I don’t find time.

I may have to hire some one and its is expensive to hire.

I don’t enjoy the task or the thought of doing this task drains my energy.

I want to do the task, but I don’t enjoy doing a certain part.

I feel stuck.

I really don’t want to do what I thought I should do.

As you can see all these answers have something to do with your time, emotions, mindset and energy. To stop procrastinating and run a profitable business, I highly recommend doing the Simpleology Energy and WOMKI courses that are easy and results oriented.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Do you want to become the best selling author?

Mark Joyner is going to make three people best-selling authors.

The winners of this contest:

Click here

... will get a custom-crafted best-seller plan from Mark.

Plus, you'll get a 147 dollar gift just or entering (hint:
it will show you the speed-writing secrets of a man who has
written over 95 books!)

This is being done in conjunction with the much-anticipated
launch of the newest class of Simpleology tools: the Simpleology

The first is a Blueprint for, you guess it, how to become a #1
best-selling author.

Since Mark is a 4 time #1 best-selling author and the man who's
plan has been modeled hundreds of times now, I'd say this is
the best man on the planet to learn that from.

Looking forward to watching your entry in the competition!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How a small shift in thinking empowered and saved me $486

My phone company was giving me hard time in getting my phone line repaired. Initially I was told that everything is OK inside the house and the fault is outside the house. After the technician tested, it looked like the fault was inside the house. I was upset with two things
1. The phone company would not call to let me know that the technician has made his visit and that the problem was inside. I had to call them and figure it out.
2. First I was told that everything is OK inside and now I am told that the fault is inside and that I will have to pay $180 for technician's visit.

As I have the habit of doing DTP, I consciously asked the following question to myself:

My mind and body deserves to be having positive thought and energy. How can I tune in to my empowering radio station?

I am having this land line phone for a long time for some reasons important to me at the time I purchased. Is it worth at all continuing this line? I analyzed the reasons and made a determination to cancel. This saved me $486. I could have done this long time back. But I was not motivated to analyze the pros and cons of continuing the phone line. However doing DTP made me change my thinking pattern. Instead of getting frustrated, I got motivated and asked myself the empowering question.

As a result, I ended up by the saving $486 and and now I am buzzing with energy to do my next project. Thanks to Simpleology.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Simpleology Electives: Online Music Promotion-Live now!

You've probably already heard that Mark Joyner (via Simpleology)
is launching a new course about "Promoting Your Music Online"

Click here

What you probably didn't know was that:

1. When you order in the first 48 hours you get the course for
1/2 off.

2. Those who order in the first 48 hours will *also* get free
access to a Simpleology course that has never been released to
the public: Viral Marketing Theory.

I haven't seen the price yet, and I'm not personally interested
in music promotion, but as I have bought other course, I am sure Mark would have done his best.If love music, you MUST check this out!

Mark is pretty much universally regarded as the world's leading
authority on Viral Marketing (it's rumored he coined the
phrase - like many other Internet buzz words) and he's never put
out a concise course on VM theory.

But you've only got 48 hours to snag it!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thought for the day that impacted me !

A life filled with quality in work, thoughts, companions
and activities can strengthen your natural immunity to germs, viruses and negative hereditary influences." Stephen Blauer

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Has the Internet Finally Taken Over The Music Industry?

If you're a musician or know one, you'll want to check this out:

Simpleology Electives: Online Music Promotion

Mark Joyner is blogging about some fascinating changes to the
music industry brought about by recent developments on the

For example, did you know that eMarketer predicts music download
sales will surpass CD sales by 2010?

If you know any musicians, please pass this email on to them as
this info could give them exactly what they need to launch their

How I saved $500 doing DTP?

The only way to implement Simpleology 101 in your life is to do the course as advised and do your Daily Target Praxis (DTP). While doing DTP you go through a process called Power Praxis and System Praxis. The objective of doing Power Praxis is to increase your POWER GRADUALLY. Well how do you get more Power? The three sources of POWER are Time, Money and Energy. When you do Power Praxis, you are consciously asking the following questions and RECORDING in a Note book or Simpleology software:

1. How did I save my time and accomplished the task quickly? How did I waste my time and how can I avoid?
2. How did I save my money ? Did I spend unnecessarily and how much?
3. How did I save my energy? When does my energy get drained?

Next day you do more of what makes you save YOUR time, money and energy. Doing DTP consistently makes you EMPOWERED.When you are empowered, you feel good. When you feel good, you LOVE to take action towards achieving YOUR GOAL.

Why am I explaining all this? Here is the true story.

My washing machine was giving me trouble and it could cost me $400 to $500 if I were to replace the machine. I could afford this money, but doing DTP, gave me the POWER, not to react and replace the machine. However it empowered me to ask the following questions

How I can save money?
Is replacement necessary at all? Is it a major or minor problem?
Can I find someone to identify the problem at affordable price?
I feel my energy drain when I think of my pending laundry. How can I avoid?

In the process, I contacted my Utility company, got educated about their Worry Free contract and enrolled in their program. When the machine caused me trouble I called my Utility company to check the problem. In fact it was a very minor problem and he just repaired it within minutes and I saved $500.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Why I started doing Simpleology 101 course?

Way back in 2005, thru’ one of the email campaign that I had subscribed to, I was introduced to the program “The Simple Science of getting what you want”. As a business owner, I was curious to know more about this program and could not wait to read the sales page. At that time, I was overwhelmed and had challenges making business decisions. I read several books that gave me an insight to overcome challenges, but I wanted know “How to” overcome challenges on a daily basis. After reading the Sales page, I was convinced that this course is for me. Best of all, it was Free and even today it is offered FREE.

I started doing the course exactly as recommended, even though’ at some point of time, I was tempted to break the rules. The best part is you devote only 3-7 min a day to learn the course. You get to learn by watching colorful videos from your computer. You also receive audio recording and PDF transcripts of the lesson. At the end of each lesson there a small quiz that makes you feel child like and a sense of having learned an important life skill. The first five days made me get a clear vision of where I want to be in personal, business, financial, spiritual and family life. I was able to understand the value of having focused attention and energy. I realized that even inaction (Not doing anything) can do me harm and became conscious of my actions. I realized that our PERSONAL TIME is one of the sources of POWER and feel blessed to be a Simpleology member.

If you are very serious about growing your valuable asset-YOUR PERSONAL TIME click here to learn more